My first Kyosho Optima
Story about this car:
This RC Car was bought in 1987 by my dad as a christmas present.
When bought, the car was a Kyosho Javelin.
This is what the car looked like when I got it:

And below are pictures of pretty much everything I have found after 20 years in exile… LOL.

Above is how the car was in the box… I have no clue where this body is from. You can see from the rear suspension, that they are pieces of the Lazer…

Here we have the same without the body, Its in pretty good shape.

A few decent set of wheels.

Good old Futaba Magnum Sport.
15/07/2014 - The Runner

I have decided to start by restoring the runner first, as I will need to order less parts for it.
Above I have done some cleaning.

Got some parts today - 25/07/2014

Rear differential right side

Rear differential left side
05/08/2014 - REEDY AND KYOSHO from the late 80s
Today I managed to get some work done, but only on my motors, as I am waiting for my screw set from RC-Screws, I am stuck on the rebuilding process.
So I took both motors and took them apart, cleaned them, Soldered the wires in a neat and clean way, as Xavier(thats the guy who gave me a space in his RC plane workshop) showed me how. I tested both engines, they seem to work just fine.
One is a Kyosho Mega 12x2 and the other one is a Reedy Modified Dot Green 13 x 2 (I think)

Two motors that have been gathering dust for the past 20 years!

The Reedy modified taken apart and cleaned up

Both motors cleaned up… now I will have to decide which one to use on the runner,
probably the Reedy.

Getting some work done!

Electronics that will be fitted in.

The specifications for this Novak-T1X ESC are as follows (According to « aliens8mycow » from
• Number of cells: 4-10
• Motor limit: none (you might want to stick with something higher than 10 or 12 turns)
• Forward only w/brake
• Frequency: 60Hz (not too great considering today's high freq esc's)
• Resistance: .0015 ohms (this is not too great either!)
• Bec voltage: 6v
• Tempfet transistors for thermal protection
• Years of production 1988-1990
• Required external current limiter for smoother throttle response
• This esc was used (with ext. current limiter) by Masami Hirosaka to win the 1988 1:12 worlds!
08/18/2014 - Finished